Friday, December 25, 2009


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Specially to EMMA RAUF a.k.a ahli geologi of JELITAS association..;p
billion of thanks for the reddish n glittered bracelet..
frankly speaking..i appreciated it a lot..(maroon = red.. i guess so)
huhu..about the statement that u had stated in the card..
"i don't know whether this thing can compare with the
waffle you want"..
(pening2 lalat jap ne la nk
compare food ngn things..adosh!sah la food lg bez..)..there is no heart feeling at all..
i know..u tried ur best to find me one right??(jongos lak da)..
i'll wear it l8r after modifying session completed..
it is quite loose la..hehe..

terima kasih
sie' sie'
arigato guzaimasita

Friday, September 4, 2009

..molko mayuba..

berbelang2?hehe..first of all a MILLION OF THANKS to.......kak ayu..wan...n asyiq...hehe..korunk mmg pndai wat suprise kn? frankly speaking I dont expect this kind of situation..huhu..ngt gak korunk bday ORG yek..

adosh!leh nyanyi k 2?

3 dara in da houz!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'll paint my mood in shades blue..
Paint my soul to be with you..
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones..
Draw your mouth to my own...

I'll draw your arms around my waist..
Then all doubt I shall erase..
I'll paint the rain that softly lands on..
Your windblown hair..

I'll trace a hand to wipe your tears..
A look to calm your fears..
A silhouette of dark and light..
While we hold each other..oh, so tight..

I'll paint a sun to won your heart
Swearing that we'll never part..
That's the colour of my love..
I'll paint the truth
Show show I feel
Try to make you completely real
I'll use a brush so light and fine
To draw you close and make you mine..

I'll paint the star in the evening sky
Draw their light into your eyes..
A touch of grace that softly falls on
Your moonlit face

1 of my feberet lirik..

1. Nama-nama timangan anda:
along..klu kwn2 pggil farah je..urm rin pon ad kot..

2. Anda seorang yang:
ske snyum..(smpai ad org 2 jelz kot..spe la yek org 2?..) ngeh2

3. Insan teristimewa:
umi ..abah.., my bros n sys, .mayuba

4. Lagu kesukaan anda buat mase ini:
sme ske kot..

5. Makanan kesukaan anda:
ikan masak cuka..nyum2.. ;)

6. Sikap yang buatkan anda stress
tunggu..tunggu dan tunggu.. =.='

7. Warna kesukaan??

8. 3 bende yang mesti ada dalam beg:
handbag ke? huu~ i dun have one. silela bagi adiah lol
if ada, yg mesti ada lam bag:
phone, purse.. lip balm..erm. tu je kot. haha

9. Bila kali terakhir anda menangis..kenapa??
semalam. :)
nape?? komen...

10. Tag 6 rakan anda:
semua. , anyone yang bace :)
do it. ;)

6.41p.m...sabtu..bersamaan dgn 8 ramdhan..

salam sme...xsdrkn..da dkt smggu lbh kte berpose..
rutin berpose koo sprti bese je..x de yg xtra mextra..urm..klu iktkn..bru 2 ari je kot bgn saho..ari2 len 2 sme saho lam mimpi jr..eheh..
tggl 29hb ni gak krenye laz angka no umo koo dhdpan bernilai 1..pas ni..ak da msuk era 20-an..30hb adalah 1 permulaan ari yg agk bru bg ak..prubahan mmg
ssh klu nk dilakukan dgn drastic..but..da most important thing is u better try ur best b4 making any complain..(bru dr mental la kot..insyaAllah)
adosh!..sedia k ak nk tempuh 20-an?cm ne la ak nk tempuh yek?
tp pape pon mmg idop kne truskn..ak nk k..x nk k..stil kne face it..frankly yg bez nye..n ad gak yg x bez nye..
stelah bermuhasabah dri..ak rse mcm2 rse ak penah rse sepanjang bergelar hamba ALLAH selame 19 thn ni..sbut je..
manis?masin?pahit?masam?mmg ckup lngkap la..huhu..dr ak kecik smpai la ak k tahap ni skrg..
tp..ak penah gak bce..IDOP STI PNDANG DEPN..JGN PNDG BELAKG(klu pndg blkg cmne nk nmpak kn)..
kt sni gak..ak nk terima ksih bnyak bnyak kt:
especially 2 my parent..abah..umi..dpt gak along tgk n merase idop d dunia ni..

n to all my friends..since I was born n nw..I think without u guys life must be so dull n boring i guess..

sme2 doakn tuk kejayaan n kesejahteraan bersama k..aminn...

semoga dgn semangat ketuaan yg memuncak..ak akn sentiase mndoakn yg terbek tuk ak..n org2 yg rpat di sekeliling ak..

30 OGOS .......

boring..x tau nk wat pe..nk wat assgmnt mood x de nk berblogging..

no heart feeling..neutral..


x nk jd artis..totally my privacy is gone..

kdg2 memikirkn sumthin dgn kompleks..pdhal bnde nye senang je..adosh!

ad?x de?..(ai..nmpak gye kne cabut 1 1 kuntum bunge ni..)

prefer to be alone..n eat aiskrim o cokelat..nyum..nyum..

mas kawin?urm..kre kilo pon x pe la kn..urm..brat klu sekilo = rm 8.88(plih lpn sbb ske no 8 kot)..agk2 baape yek?(wau!demand la plak..hehehe)

beliau my partner tuk sing2..huhu(thx zam)

- wat do no je..
- "malah nok chagre"..(slang ganu)
- tp klu rajin..leh la pass kt pren2 kn..


1) emma
2) zam
3) gg
4) en.faizal
5) mirul
6) mai
7) en.idris

penah je..en.idris kn taiko die tuk wat survey..

x...(tp xtau la lam ati gg kn..yela...syik kne bahn je ngn encik faizal)

I don't think so...adosh!(dunia akhir zaman ka?)

slalu menyengal...

sekian shj tag yg di sent oleh prtner nyanyi koo...;)

Friday, August 21, 2009


salam sme...!!!lme tul x taip2 kt cni...ADOSH!!(lme gk kot x gne)...urm..lam mse kelesapan ak ni bkn nye kemane mane sbenanye...jz bz ckit..(ckit k??hehe)..yela...otak serabut nk MENplanning..n..MENdirecting...MAJLIS MAKAN MALAM PERKASA..alhamdulilah...........tggal 16hb OGOS slamt la berlangsung nye program ak....fuhh!!!lega sgt2 kot...klu ikutkn...progrm ni ptut dijlnkn dr buln Mac masalah berbulldozer dozer...ak terpkse mengposponeknnye smpai la ke ari kjadian...
sbenanye bnyak mslh yg ak tempuhi b4 da day comes..for such..
1) mslh yg plg besr...duit...(tul la org kte money no talk)..klu iktkn betul la 2 org yg ckp cm 2..progrm ak klu iktkn perlu duit bg nk jlnknnya...pd mulanye mmg shh..(mau botak CINNNN palle ak memikir cm ne la....nk dpt duit)..

2)pas lak mslh lak AJK yg quit las brtmbh pening pele ak...yela..lam saat genting cm 2..leh plak la wat hal kn...ap yg ak leh wat...BERSABA..SABA SABA...(seb bek ngat yg saba 2 sparuh dr iman...klu x mau je nk................................)

ak iktkn mslh yg ak ad b4 terjadi nye program 2 mmg bnyak kot...mmg x kn abz2 mslah...(jz cte ckit je la mslh k)..

selain 2...I wanna say milion trilion fourlion n lion lion lion..kt AJK2 ak yg bnyak sgt mmbntu lam melncarkn progrm....sbgai pengarah progrm yg mula dr x tau pape...smpai la ak jd kental bak bngunan konkrit ...(kental k?)..trime kasih pd yg support ak...mereka adlh...

specially thx to words that can express my thx 2 u...

first of all...

ABAH ngn UMI...maseh sgt2 bg kte perangsng kt along...(tbe2 lju lak paip air mte ni...sob..sob)...

EN.KJ n CIK NOR ASHIKIN...slku penasihat PERKASA....

POJI...n KAK AM(da kepale n the kaki of PERKASA)

yg ni sti x leh lupe....Ak nye seketriat...ARIP N ZILA...maseh sgt2..."u helped me a lot"..

n da person tat always be my side that use to be so understanding...n supporting me all those hardships...thx a lot syg...

alhamdulilah...sme nye berjln sprti yg drncang...

Monday, July 13, 2009

lme kot x taip2 kt sni...huhu..
yywahehhy7ebhgytdsgglhpqhepq....(sengal brade di kmuncak)
story morie kureng kot skrg...
smlm ak ad mmpi yg ak x ske kot...
all my sibling n my parent indeed terkujur kt ruang tamu dgn sme berkain kapan...
mse 2...persaan koo mmg hancus berderai kot..
air mte ni klu gne viper kete pon akn haus..(yela asyik dok mngelap je)
bgn je ak pas tdo 2...
1st thing that i do was...
amik fon kol umi n abah....ak crite kot kt umi psl mimpi 2..
(mse 2..ush kre la...air mte cm ap da..sme kaler ad kot)
sme shat...
along syang abah n umi...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ni sje je nk cte kot..huhu..12hb ri2 ak kmbali smula k universiti yg terchenta..huhu..bkn sbb nk has to be completed..alhamdulilah..ak slh sorg pemain ntball tuk MASUM..(bknnye hebat c2..lam smggu gak la ak mnjalani latihan pusat b4 brtolak k UM..rutin koo bermula seawal jam 2 smbung smula jam 4pm-7p.m..idopkoo pnuh dgn skills,passing,court n fitness..(penat gak kot...smpai je mlm...da lembik da)..mmg x de mse kot nk brmesra ngn laptop..huhu..blk bilik je trus terlentang..lam mse trening 2..bnyk kli gak la injured..huhu..that is we call the da sweetest moment in life..huhu..oo..nk cte gakni...our team ad gak wat frenly match...antaranye dgn dak2 rugbi ump..(jgn pndg sbelah mte kot kt depa...huhuhu..skills terserlah ble tgk diorg men..seb bek x de ntball laki..klu x mau nye diorg pikul guni bwk balik medal..huhuhu)btw thx alot 2 them...pas2..frenly ngn staf ump..dak2 shahputra...kputusan nye.......................semua mtch 2 kmi KALAHla...;(...dr c2 kmi tau bnyak bnde lg kne repair..(cm enjinla plak)..kte tutup cte kt ump...nk cte mse kt UM kmi yg 1st stat jam 9pgi..lps undi2..las2 skli kami brtembung dgn USIM...huhu..scn game keesokan arinye...ngn UNIMAP...dr centre pass..g k WA..bling2 nk bg GS..las2..dpt lak bola 2 kt pihak lwn...preeeettt...bnyi wisel...usim skor...adosh!...adegan2 yang menusuk kalbu ni berterusan slame 20 minit...huhu..pd mulanye..kme tidak mnyebelahi kmi..kmi redaha....dannnn...mnyerahkan kmnangan kepd USIM...(gram gak kte xde luck) make it short...kmi kalh di tgn USIM n UNIMAP...sedih sti da cbe yg taking this chance to express my appreciation to SYAKIRAh...she did a great job dlm mnguruskan songgeh2 kmi even she said that it is da 1 st time she did such things...huhuhu...ampuunnn..manager...skrg...ko mnjalni idop kuu di gombak..huuhu...

Monday, April 20, 2009


adosh!..nk dkt 1 mggu kot air x de kt ump ni..huhu..(ni tul2 dugaan..SIYES!!)kne lak minimize pggunaan air..bju lak bertimbun..dlm mse darurat ni gak la.....baldi merah ak ilang..adosh!!..yg pling 'hectic'..mse skit perut..adossshh!!kne lak jejakground floor..(al-maklum la aras puncak gunung kot)..terkedek - kedek la nk cri air..urm..tpkn..yg pling ak sndri lakmnusia yg ala - ala 'selfish'(mmg selfish pon..sellion,seltapir,selmonyet)..(bsuh bju cm die 2 dok tepi sungai PAHANG..).bia je air limpah2.adosh!!..come on len pon nk idop gak..pndai2 la k..(sbenanye x de niat ponnk kecik k sakitkn ati spe2..i'm trying 2 be honest) tgh ssh skrg ni..sme2 la dri sendri je..(tbe2 terEMo lak)..rse cm nk sekeh je mnusia2 yg 'CERDIK' ni..(pringatan kt ak gak sbenanye)

plz! plz! plz!

tp pape pon..ak hrap bnde2 ni cpt berakhir..tpkn..klu pk blik bez gak kdg2 cm ni..hehhe..yela..klu x jd cm ni..mmg x kn penah la nk bersiram kt blok x or kt 'istana' fakulti..siap angkut baldi ngn gayung lg..huhu..(bez2!) ;) pape pon..warning!!!


W = wake up early..for the sake of refreshment..

A = a JBA trelar dtg..lalala..getah paip + air =tangki penuh....air - abis gne = tangki kosong

T = tmpat2 yg mnjdi tumpuan tuk dptkn air = pili bomba..blok w..x..y..z..esso..petronas

E = emosi menghantui dri dgn mnusia2 yg $%#@#$^&*()*^$@#$%

R = restless..(mcm 24 jam angkut air la plk kan..huhu..tpu terang - terangan)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doa Niat untuk tenangkan hati yang berat & sebak.

Ya Allah, tuhanku, rinduku dan senduku, janganlah engkau memberati hati ini selain dari memberatkan ia kepada mu” kemudian sebut nama Allah.
Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendusta kan kebenaran). albaqarah ayat 10
(Bila orang tu dengki, kalau tak taubat, allah tambah lagi sampai dia sendiri tak sadar yg dia dengki ngan org, jadi kita jangan dengki org. Biar org buat kita jangan kita buat org.)
Dan orang-orang (Islam) yang datang kemudian daripada mereka (berdoa dengan) berkata: Wahai Tuhan Kami! Ampunkanlah dosa kami dan dosa saudara-saudara kami yang mendahului kami dalam iman dan janganlah Engkau jadikan dalam hati perasaan hasad dengki dan dendam terhadap orang-orang yang beriman. Wahai Tuhan kami! Sesungguhnya Engkau Amat Melimpah belas kasihan dan rahmatMu. al-hasyr 10

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

UHL 2322

engineers to be...(cm ne la negra nnt..sme sengal2 kot)

the fake o the......????

the bombastic booth of the year~

adosh!..arini cm nk 2lis lam bm lak..huhu..

15hb april...ku mnjalani idopkoo sprti biase...(s2dy week kot...).dari segi fizikal..drikuu sperti ari2 yg segi mental n emosi..i is not what im trying to expect...pda ari ni jge..shbat koo tbe2 lak nk cte private life die..(bkn ari ni je kot...SETIAP HARI) enjoy kot dgr cte die..klu iktkn..ak ksian sgt kt die...psl nye..cite die 2 sbenanye..pasl bf die yg $%#&...x tau nk tunai kn..kdg2 ak x phm kot..npe org sng berjanji...klu tau x leh nk tunaikn????diz question trigger me a lot...pls la...come on la..kt sni...ak bkn nk slh kn mne2 pihak..sme same je klu iktkn..gurls or guys leh wat cm 2...ak tau..shbtkoo syg sgt kot kt bf die rse x berbaloi je..(bkn nk liz..appreciate la..)..gurls slalu men ngn emosi kot..air mte..air mte..air mte..jd peneman...adosh!..seksa gak klu pk..kdg2..bnde2 cm ni la yg wat ak tkut nk SYG seseorng...bkn x brani amik rehab..huhuhu..(mendalm mksud 2..heheh)..mgkin..skrg bkn mse nye lg kot..(tp..x tau la esk k luse kn)..bnde2 cm ni..klu condemn..adosh!..mmg perit..sakit..pedih..cm2 la..ssh kot...pas2 td...rummate koo yg sorang ni tbe2 bg ala2 nasihat la...

"farah, ko appreciate ap yg ad kt sekeliling ko skrg k.."

die bukak mte ak kot rini..kdg2 kte terlupe kot...hargai ap yg ad di sekeliling ak..x kre la..kwn k..brg k..PARENT..MASEH RUMMATE KOO..syg kamoo..!!koo doakan drimoo dpt kebahagiaan yg kamoo ingin kn..aminnn...

trus trang ckp...ak ssh kot nk cte sal feeling k perasaan koo cm la..ak rse cm ad pngjaran je lam ap yg koo membebel kt ats ni..

insyaAllah...amik la iktibar ap yg leh amik k.. ;)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MY LOVE FOR YOU WILL REMAIN INFINITY.... life ruin like crazy..full of tensioness..full of anger..full of exhousted moment..and the most of thing is full of unpredictable scene that might be the spices in my life...sometimes i really confused and try to trigger what is the best solution for the ????..Externally Im just like other ordinary people..but deep inside my heart..(internally).. I would say that I am still searching for the something that I myself din knoe what exactly it is...(ala2 jiwa kacau kot)..huhu..but..fortunately..I have really great supportive parent that INSYAALLAH..always be by my side...Im thankful to God..abah...umi..thanks alot...there is no words that I could use in order to express and described my you...LOVE YOU SO MUCH...You both understand me well...I am really glad i have you both...thx alot as giving me the chance and opportunity to see the amazing creatures in this world..when Im feeling up side down..I noe that each breath of mine is actually because of you.. I cant deny that sumtimes life is really s****..and sumtimes it wont flow like we desire...eventhough we already do the best..

Monday, April 6, 2009

On 27th - 29th of March , kak ayu..asyiq..n I went to my kmpung..(hometown) for them, they were not very familiar with the sourrounding ( alot of pokok klapa,the blue sea) they were like so eager to stay there even just for a few days. The journey took about 5 hours as the bus that we used faced some problem before heading to trengganu. It took about 1 hour in order to fix it...but..Alhamdulilah..we managed to reached about 9 p.m...We end the exhousting day jz by the next morning, i brought them to bandar kuala terengganu..what i can say is the must place for tourist to stop by..after that we went to..mydin mall..if im not mistaken it is the biggest n impressive mydin mall in malaysia..then we decided to go to masjid kristal..(crystal mosque)..but unfortunately..we couldnt managed to do so as we need to go back as we took some times in the pasar payang...We bought some sourvenir for the JELITAS group..(hope they like it)...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Do angels dream? I believe they do
There's one who surely dreams of you,
Who hopes your future is secure,
Was with you through challenges you had to endure.

Do angels dream? Sure they do.
The dream of an angel has seen you through.
Continue to grow and strive for the best.
This angel will help you pass the test.

Do angels dream? Of course they do.
Look up and say "Hi" to one who sees you.
When you're happy or sad or just feeling blue,
You're a special angel's dream come true.

come on..come on...

Sometimes occasionally goes by the rules but mostly does his own thing. He is more worried about being everyone's friend than doing his school work. He gets into trouble a lot but managed to charm his way through it. His parents have gone to school a lot to have parent teacher conferences.

Always is a boy who always goes by the book, never breaks the rules and is never in trouble. He always pleased his family and friends and never let them down. He is usually stressed out and gets headaches and stomach aches from stress.

Always became very ill one day and had to be rushed to the hospital. The doctors were baffled at what could be wrong with him. Many tests were run and in the end they were inconclusive. He was released and went home only to be stressed some more about missing school and possibly letting everyone down if he received a grade less than an A.

Now sometimes was doing poorly in school and he knew it. He decided that he would just do what he could to get by, he thought " Why should I stress out look what happened to Always."

Well Always was having the same thoughts " Why should I stress and make myself sick, sometimes gets by ok" and at that time he started missing school and just barely got passing grades.

Their parents decided to sit the boys down and talk to them and tell them that they just need to do their best and that is all that can be asked of them. They do not need to stress and get ill but also do not slack off and get failing grades.

Their parents just wanted them to know that whatever they did they would be proud of them as long as they did their best.

Finally, Sometimes spoke up and said " You mean even if we don't do well all the time that you will still love us and be proud of us ?? " The parents answered the question, "yes we will love you , ALWAYS !!!!"

The moral is,
do your best at whatever you do that is all that can be expected of you and you will turn out just fine your parents will love you no matter what.

life is unpredictable..
life is sarcastic when hardships around you..
life is happiness when there is no doubtful..
life is the smile when someone accompany you...
life is truthful when there is no lies..
life is hectic when your trust is being pull around..
life never turns back..never repeat..never ever..
life must go on...

no matter what is all the spices of life..needs the strength, motivation, a shoulder to lies over..but..the things is we couldnt change what was happened.. pray..effort..INSYAALLAH.... ;)

what is your feeling right now??????

Sunday, March 15, 2009

.... _ o _ d l_o ki_g?????....
We tend to think that people who are good looking have special abilities. We tend to think that they are cleverer, more talented or more capable. In many cases it is not true. Usually their beauty or good looks against them.
People with good looks treated better than those who are ordinary-looking. People tend to pamper or do things for them. This may be to their advantage. When they, themselves, do not do things, they do not learn. So, they grow up not knowing how to do many things. They have no self-reliance. When left to their own resources, they fail miserably in many things. As we can see, plain- looking people are seldom pampered. They have to do everithing almost by themselves. In this wat they learn a lot of things. They become capable and independent.
Good looking people rely on their looks to get things done.In certain things it is true but in the majority of things become spineless after relying to do things for them most of the time.To survive in the rat race, which is what the world is. one need toughness.
What i am trying to say is not it is all true or we can blindly believe it. It just the angle of my point of view. Actually if we think it carefully...all the succeed or failure is in our own hand . If we dare to challenge what is in front or what will u be facing later..INSYAALLAH...u wont go far away from your targeted goal or track...
(USAHA + DOA + TAWAKAL = $$$$$$$) ;)


ohhh...can u imagine your life without your LOVER just for a day???..I've been facing it has been 2 and + weeks...adosh!..terrible..horrible..vegetable i is an extreme hardship as a S.T.U.D.E.N.T... the lover that trigger in my mind is NOTEBOOK...(LAPTOP)...assigmentssss...projectsss....reportssss...blogssss....owh!!! what a LOVER had to be sent for a warranty...bacause of the problem occured...adosh!.(need to lend).lonely without youuuuu!!!i just need to be patience...THAT IS A MUST FOR NOW... ;(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It seems like I use to talk about LOVE is not actually my condition right now as at this moment i choose to be a SiNglE lady...huhuhu..what is the main point i am writing this kind of kinda like an article is just to open my eyes and try to think it even a few seconds of the magical words..Have you ever ask yourself about this??..Frankly speaking..this kind of question trigger in my box of mind...ARE YOU READY FOR LOVE??
A good relationship isn't a game you play or an ego trip you take. It is about love and two people. Loving someone can give us the greatest joy we can ever know and it can hurt more than we can believe too. When it does not really hurt when that person did something disappointing to you, but really hurts when you see that person in pain and sadness, then you know you truly love that person.
Loving someone means you should be ready to experience heartache and happiness at the same time. That's the reward and that's the risk. Unless we are willing to experience it, we will never really know what it's like to love and be loved.
Sharing love is probably the most valuable and meaningful experience a person can ever have. And there's a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone. It's the difference between a love that's fickle, wild and short-lived and one that's tender and passionate, nurturing and lasts a long time. The first is easy. The second, the one that really matters to all of us, takes work -- because it's about keeping a relationship.
Getting the chance to love and be loved by someone is blessed. Respect him/her for who he/she is, and not what you want him/her to be. Everyone is pretty and special in his/her own special way. No one is perfect. It is true love which closes the gap of imperfectness to form a smooth surface of acceptance for each other. True love sees and accepts a person for who he/she is. It is also true love which makes a person change for the better.
Every day everywhere, people fall in love ... but just how many of these relationships are self-sacrificing love, and not just relationships which are formed only for the intense feeling of falling in love? I know hundreds of friends who say the magical words "I love you"... but more often than not, the truth is just -- I am IN love with you. There is a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone. If a person says he/she is in love with you, he/she means that he/she likes you for who you are now and he/she fell in love with you because of the present you. This kind of love is temporary and lasts only as long as the fairytale lasts. When fairy godmother comes in at midnight to whirl us back to reality, we see the heartache of such a relationship...where both were only IN love with each other.
But if a person says he/she loves you, he/she means that he/she loves you unconditionally for who you are now, who you were in the past and who you might be in the future. When he/she says he/she loves you and really means it, you have to ask yourself if you love him/her too or if you're in love with the idea of being in love. It is very hard to see the difference through logical thinking. Let your heart guide you.*WINK*

Today, I tried to do something I wasn’t able to do for a long time….write. It seems that my being lost for awhile disabled my heart and my hands as well, from doing the things I love. I tried several times but I never got it in me to come up with a composition that at least would make sense. Until last night when someone gave me a reason for me to wake up today and share to those people around me the music my heart is playing nowadays... (drunk)..
..Differences Between Love And Like..
In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster.But in front of the person you like , you get happy.In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring.But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush.But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mind.But in front of the person you like, you can.In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy.But in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself.Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love.But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.When the one you love is crying, you cry with them.But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.The feeling of love starts from the eye.And the feeling of like starts from the ear.So if you stop liking a person you used to like.All you need to do is cover your ears,But if you try to close your eyes,Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.

What is this??(try to have a guessing trick on it)..huu~..actually this is a *lighting* batch that i received recently from someone..eventhough it is just a simple batch..but it gives me its own sentimental's value that other things do not have it.if i am not mistaken..the person said he bought iit from CH..(Carlifornia Height=(in malay word)..Cameron Highland)..i really appreciate it a lot as i am one of the liverpool's freak fan...*chuckle*..what is so special about this badge???..try to find the answer for this i think whoever who read this text would have their own opinion..right??.Actually i dont expected to have this kind of *magic* batch..but..alhamdulilah..its with me now..!huhu..THX A LOT TO THAT PERSON...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. -- Lou Erickso

It is not length of life, but depth of life. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. -- Albert Schweitzer

In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed. -- Sid Caesar

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -- Albert Einstein


cIvIl's fIeLd




Why?why and why?I am the freak of the colour's maroon.Why is that so??*chuckle*..maybe this colour reflect as who I am..Glance of my eyes of that colour give me the feeling that I could never be express in words.It is not exactly an energy..but I fully believe that the 'aura' of the colour itself give some kinds of feeling that I hardly explain.For information,maroons are the descendants of runaway slave in the America.Maroon and white are also the traditional colors of County Galway, Ireland and are used by teams representing that County in GAA or other sporting organization matches.Maroon is the color of the Queensland state rugby leaague team. It also forms part of the colors of the Brisbane Broncos National Rugby League team. Maroon was officially proclaimed as Queensland's State color in 2003, giving effect to the tradition of using maroon to represent Queensland, in particular for sporting teams. Monstreal Maroons were a professional hockey club in Canada.My love to maroon would never change till the end...(poyopos..huuhu)..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



sToP iT!!!!!


My mind suddenly triggering and wondering why ....sumtimes ....our life won't flow or directed to what we had already planned.. may be for many peoples (n i also fully believe)..that they might be thinkin' of QADA' N QADAR (muslims)..yesss!! i it is true..everyone would agree..(my life itself)..would alwez have an upsides down..from a little things to a giant stuff..*chuckle*..i tink by going through all those thinggy.. i feel i become and born with a 'NEW' human values as it thought me a lot.. day after day.More stronger (mentally n emotionally)..and came out with a matured person as it reflected me in two dimensions...(negatively n positively)..LIFE IS UNFAIR maybe for those who r don't really understand what is the true meaning of life itself..n what i can say is..they never enjoy the opportunity or the chance a human being..i would say that we can't go away from problems or all those hardships..but what we can do is..PATIENCE IS THE 'ESCALATOR' OF LIFE...and try to find the best solution in order to break the chain of the dizziness..behind all those things..there will always the word 'WHY' it happened like that..why is this happen?why me?why ?why?why??...and the question would be prolong for some times if u don't stand in a real life and accept what had happened..saddness would accompany order to stay away from em..APPRECIATE THINGS AROUND US.. n...enjoy ur life to the fullest...insyaALLAH..everything will be fine..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, then circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
Thomas Jefferson


Monday, January 26, 2009

So soft
the brief touch of your lips
on my cheek.
Was I almost intruding?
"Look after yourself "should have been
"I love you!"
Then the Jumbo flew
overmy head
and I shouted
my love
above the roar
and thundering thrust. . .
as if you'd hear.
Through the clouds in my eyes
I watched you fly away
and wished
I'd been born with wings.




yeah!!im in holiday mood!!huhu..actually..i got nothing to do this holy moly day..nrmally ill sleep at 3 a.m and wake up with my panda eye at 6.30am (subuh)..n then ill continue to sleep again.huhu..until.............................................10 a.m (the max)..hee..aftr that, i proceed my day with all the housework (pretend and practising to become a good housewife in future...haha..adosh! (insyaAllah).. ;)..sweeping..washing..mopping..ect...huhu..sometimes i enjoyed doing all those chore..but sometimes when the 'M' DISEASE appears..ADOSH!..sekse kot..huhu..then, ill proceed my NICE DAY by wtcing the 'idiot box'...(lyn cte lak)..n go on till today...hehe..(kinda boring rite)...sumtimes..i am wondering.......when will my prince charming come.(expected TORRES with an invitation card)..hahahahaha...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love is a strange thing. It can be the most amazing feeling in the world, or it can really hurt, but in the end love is something most, if not all of us, will face. While there are many different ways to define love and there are many different ways to love someone (even yourself), here is a general guide to loving.


Say it. When you say the words "I Love You", they should carry with them the desire to show someone that you love them, not what you simply want to feel. When you say it make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person.
Empathize. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Rather than impose your own expectations or attempt to control them, try to understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are. Realize how they could also love you back just as well.
Love unconditionally. If you cannot love another person without attaching stipulations, then it is not love at all, but deep-seated opportunism (one who makes the most of an advantage, often unmindful of others). If your interest is not in the other person as such, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not unconditional. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, and not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them unconditionally.
Expect nothing in return. That doesn't mean you should allow someone to mistreat or undervalue you. It means that giving love does not guarantee receiving love. Try loving just for the sake of love. Realize that someone may have a different way of showing his or her love for you, do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.
Realize it can be lost. If you realize that you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love.

Monday, January 19, 2009

JELITAS's members is on the air..